Freelancers: the "real life" Teachers that schools need - Freelance Informer

Freelancers: the "real life" Teachers that schools need - Freelance Informer

Quick summary:

1. If a young person is armed with financial education and a wider view on career paths, they are more likely to consider more carefully those financial decisions that could have a lasting impact on their life and livelihood.

2. Inviting the financial services industry into developing the British financial education curriculum could pose some potential conflicts of interest.

3. That's why it wouldn't hurt if elements of business psychology were integrated into the financial education curriculum so that young people could better understand why people save and spend as they do.

4. That is why The Financial Times Financial Literacy and Inclusion Campaign, an FT-backed charity, has been set up to educate and lobby for policy improvements

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Freelancers: the real life Teachers that schools need - Freelance Informer

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