Many Persons Foreign Designer - RD273

Many Persons Foreign Designer - RD273

Quick summary:

1. When I left the print shop to start my own full-time design business, almost all of the clients I worked with remained there and were assigned a new designer to work with them.

2. However, just because the design skills are the same doesn't qualify a designer to run their own design business.

3. Last week, I told you there were two roles to running a design business: a designer and a business owner.

4. And should the price of a project remain a deciding factor, your negotiating skills will allow you to cut back on details of your proposal in a way that still satisfies the client's needs and, more importantly, meet the client's budget.

5. The more you can educate a client in how design works, the better they will become as clients

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Many Persons Foreign Designer - RD273

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