10 Types of Freelance Writing Single Moms Can use to Hack Financial Strains

10 Types of Freelance Writing Single Moms Can use to Hack Financial Strains

Quick summary:

1. There are four types of business writing, these include;Persuasive writing- A form of writing that compels and persuades a reader into believing that the author's opinion is factual.

2. Article writing consists of four types which are;Narrative writing- It is identical to story writing that embraces Autobiographies, essays, and novels.

3. Writing articles is a walk in the park for single moms who yearn to be article writers since it's about writing stories that can be personal or related to someone.

4. Persuasive writing- This is a form of writing that compels and persuades a reader into believing that the author's opinion is factual.

5. Expository writing- It's writing that analyses/defines and informs its audience on a specific subject

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10 Types of Freelance Writing Single Moms Can use to Hack Financial Strains

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