A freelancer earned more than $1 million writing Amazon product descriptions via Fiverr. Here's how he built his business

A freelancer earned more than $1 million writing Amazon product descriptions via Fiverr. Here's how he built his business

Quick summary:

1. Carlos Vazquez tapped into the growing community of crypto traders when expanding his services on Fiverr: Searches for crypto whitepaper, crypto logo, and crypto promotion increased by 248%, 185%, and 174% respectively, between October 2021 and March 2022, according to Fiverr.

2. What's more, between the first and second half of 2022, Fiverr searches for TikTok video editing increased 73%, Fiverr told Insider, making social media another growing avenue for video production.

3. This year, searches across marketing, social media, and consulting are already trending searches on Fiverr, a representative from the platform told Insider.

4. Marketing, social media, and tech services are already trending Fiverr searches for 2023

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A freelancer earned more than $1 million writing Amazon product descriptions via Fiverr. Here's how he built his business

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