Are you inside IR35? Here's the latest guide for freelance contractors - London Business News

Are you inside IR35? Here's the latest guide for freelance contractors - London Business News

Recent highlights:

1. And as HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) continues to update its guidance, many questions still remain, for example around the issue of employer National Insurance contributions and who will ultimately pick up the tab for this additional tax burden when a contractor is deemed to be 'inside IR35'.

2. HMRC provides an online status checker tool, CEST, however its conclusions are not always definitive, and it is highly advisable to seek expert advice from an IR35 tax specialist to discuss the CEST results.

3. Where it's up to the client to assess status, they must outline their decision, and reasons behind it, in a Status Determination Statement (SDS) sent directly to the contractor

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Are you inside IR35? Here's the latest guide for freelance contractors - London Business News

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