Arghya Sarkar says brand management is now the most in-demand profession

Arghya Sarkar says brand management is now the most in-demand profession

Recent highlights:

planDescName = planDescription + + planName; if (signupSource == P) {var html = Your Subscription Plan + planDescName + + wsjActiveHtml + + nextBillingHtml + activateWsjHtml + cancelHtml; } else {var html = Your Subscription Plan + planDescName + : ₹ + planPrice + + wsjActiveHtml + + nextBillingHtml + activateWsjHtml + cancelHtml; } getWsjStatus(wsjEmail); } else {planDescName = planDescription + + planName; if (signupSource == P) {var html = Your Subscription Plan + planDescName + + nextBillingHtml + cancelHtml; } else {var html = Your Subscription Plan + planDescName + : ₹ + planPrice + + nextBillingHtml + cancelHtml; } } document.getElementById(userPlanSec


Arghya Sarkar says brand management is now the most in-demand profession

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