Behind bars, at home: Here's what's keeping bartenders busy post lockdown

Behind bars, at home: Here's what's keeping bartenders busy post lockdown

Quick summary:

1. I decide my menu based on what I can find at Mapusa market — usually some luscious mulberry, passion fruit, and plenty of cucumber, which I think is the most underrated addition to a drink, says VatsHomegrown spirits Abhirup Bhattacharyya, seasoned bartender-turned-brand ambassador for Maka Zai, a homegrown rum brand based out of Goa, says drinking habits have changed since 2020.

2. Taking cocktails up a notch with homemade shrubs and syrups from scratch, and using substitutes like honey or jaggery instead of refined sugar, are par for the course for Sourav Singh who runs his bartending business in Kolkata, after stints across Delhi

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Behind bars, at home: Here's what's keeping bartenders busy post lockdown

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