Business Spotlight: Cyber Made Simple: Marketing firm offers clarity to tech world

Business Spotlight: Cyber Made Simple: Marketing firm offers clarity to tech world

Recent highlights:

1. Through Tigris Content Marketing, Layman serves a niche of midmarket and enterprise companies with long sales cycles.

2. Tigris serves as our content creation team by helping us create high-quality, informative and tactical content that is aligned with the needs of our brands and our audience bases.

3. According to Layman, even companies with in-house marketing departments may need a team of writers who understand that niche to deliver content on a regular basis.

4. In Tigris' marketing consultancy function, Layman offers a marketing insights and action plan.

5. In addition to Layman, Tigris employs an account manager, Nanushka Kraus Clarkson, and a content writer, Anne Putnam, as well as a team of freelancers

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Business Spotlight: Cyber Made Simple: Marketing firm offers clarity to tech world

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