Council Post: 15 Finance Experts Share Smart Strategies For Aspiring Full-Time Freelancers

Council Post: 15 Finance Experts Share Smart Strategies For Aspiring Full-Time Freelancers

Recent highlights:

1. Yet important details regarding benefits (such as healthcare, paid vacations and 401(k) plans), business insurance requirements, the effort required to win new accounts, and tax implications are often not well understood.

2. Create a business identity for tax and business purposes that allows you to formalize your freelance efforts.

3. One of the essentials of being a freelancer is the ability to have high-limit credit cards and lines of credit to grow your business and trustworthiness.

4. To help the growing freelance workforce, below 15 members of Forbes Finance Council share their top financial tips for those looking to make a full-time living in the gig economy

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Council Post: 15 Finance Experts Share Smart Strategies For Aspiring Full-Time Freelancers

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