Council Post: How To Give Feedback To Freelancers, Contractors And Remote Workers

Council Post: How To Give Feedback To Freelancers, Contractors And Remote Workers

Quick summary:

1. I've found that the feedback sandwich both undermines the constructive (negative) feedback being conveyed while also making people suspicious of positive feedback.

2. While most organizations have built-in methods and procedures for giving feedback to employees, such as regular 1:1 meetings, I've found that many companies lack processes for giving feedback to freelancers, contractors or other members of their virtual talent bench.

3. Increasing the ratio of positive to negative feedback creates a culture where feedback is valued, not feared.

4. When providing negative feedback, make sure the conversation ends with clearly defined next steps for improvement — this is what separates criticism from constructive feedback

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Council Post: How To Give Feedback To Freelancers, Contractors And Remote Workers

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