Council Post: When And How To Take The Leap Into Freelancing

Council Post: When And How To Take The Leap Into Freelancing

Quick summary:

1. In this article, I'll explore the pros and cons of freelancing, how to know when it's the right time to start and how to kickstart your freelance career if and when you're ready.

2. According to Upwork's 2021 Freelance Forward survey, 36% of the U.S. workforce is doing some kind of freelance work, and the total number will likely only grow—with some sources predicting that over 50% of the U.S. workforce will be freelancing by 2027.

3. If you're not ready to fully commit to freelancing, you can start by taking on freelance projects on the side of your full-time job.

4. However, as someone who co-founded a tool to help freelancers, I know how making the leap into freelancing can be daunting, especially if you've had W-2 jobs most of your working life

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Council Post: When And How To Take The Leap Into Freelancing

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