Despair Notes: Pandemic exacerbates the fight of Indonesian musicians

Despair Notes: Pandemic exacerbates the fight of Indonesian musicians

Quick summary:

1. Along with the guitarist and the music manufacturer of Christofer Tjandra, Nathania founded Music Avenue, a music entertainment company.

2. Helping other musicians: Natania Karina is based on a musical avenue, a music entertainment company.

3. As a new source of Nathania income published a music book in three volumes with the title, a series of childhood: memories, dreams, adventures.

4. Superior musicians, the lack of live music was much more complicated than fans, thought it would be.

5. Natania Karina, D.M., M. Moon, is a pianist who, on top of the speech, conducts a trinity youth symphony (trust) of the orchestra and teaches piano

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Despair Notes: Pandemic exacerbates the fight of Indonesian musicians

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