Elaf Trabulsi: A young Saudi woman writer and entrepreneur par excellence

Elaf Trabulsi: A young Saudi woman writer and entrepreneur par excellence

Quick summary:

1. Trabulsi started writing in 2018 as a freelancer, and started sharing her writings on social media from 2019, though recently, she started calling herself as a 'content writer.

2. Currently she is a well-known freelance Content writer, who wrote for Niche Arabia, a prominent Arabian marketing and communications agency, and Azha Workshop, a major Arab brand in fashion lifestyles.

3. Within a short span of time, she emerged as a prolific writer on social media on diverse topics and a well-known content writer for prestigious publications, especially topics of communications and fashion.

4. I never actually thought of taking up writing as a career and no one knew I was writing until I started writing blogs in 2017

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Elaf Trabulsi: A young Saudi woman writer and entrepreneur par excellence

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