Electrical chaos for homes and freelancers after five months without a bill: “They just spent 2,000 euros on electricity

Electrical chaos for homes and freelancers after five months without a bill: “They just spent 2,000 euros on electricity

Quick summary:

1. It is a phenomenon that investigates the National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) and that the electricity companies themselves blame the collapse of their computer systems linked to the change in the design of the invoice that the Government introduced on June 1 and the modifications that later implied the reductions in VAT and the Special Tax on Electricity.

2. Freelancers pay an average of 400 euros per month for the rise in electricity, fuel, gas, raw materials, transport, labor and tax costs … And the last straw is that neither you can even organize the payments, laments its president, Lorenzo Love

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Electrical chaos for homes and freelancers after five months without a bill: “They just spent 2,000 euros on electricity

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