Exclusive: Fresh hopes journalist Austin Tice is alive 10 years after his disappearance

Exclusive: Fresh hopes journalist Austin Tice is alive 10 years after his disappearance

Recent highlights:

1. Five weeks after he disappeared, a video entitled Austin Tice still alive was uploaded to YouTube, showing armed men roughly pushing a blindfolded Mr Tice up a hill.

2. While no public information conclusively proves Mr Tice is still alive, his family's hopes were raised this week when President Joe Biden issued a carefully worded statement.

3. Debra Tice prefers to remember her son Austin the way he was rather than imagine how he might have suffered in the decade since the 31-year-old freelance journalist disappeared while reporting on Syria's nascent civil war.

4. In it President Biden called on the Syrian government to help us bring Mr Tice home.

5. President Biden is not the first American leader to seek to free Mr Tice


Exclusive: Fresh hopes journalist Austin Tice is alive 10 years after his disappearance

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