Fiverr hiring a freelance motion graphics designer : draft the terms and conditions - iPleaders

Fiverr hiring a freelance motion graphics designer : draft the terms and conditions - iPleaders

Quick summary:

1. Data Privacy Agreement: If a freelancer needs access to sensitive company data to do their task, you will want them to sign a contract obligating them to follow your firm's data security and confidentiality standards.

2. Confidentiality Agreement: This legally enforceable contract, also known as a non-disclosure agreement, establishes a confidential relationship between your firm and the freelancer.

3. Scope of the project: Describe the task you are hiring the freelancer to accomplish, including the project's goal, the projected duration, and the number of hours the freelancer will be working.

4. A freelancer and a company or business sign a letter of agreement, which is a contract between the two parties

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Fiverr hiring a freelance motion graphics designer : draft the terms and conditions - iPleaders

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