For Whom the Bell Writes Author Resurrects Golf Legends Life Mysterious Death

For Whom the Bell Writes Author Resurrects Golf Legends Life Mysterious Death

Recent highlights:

1. Beverly Bell didn't always know the story about the fatal shooting of 27-year-old Marion Miley and her mother Elsie in a botched robbery attempt in the fall of 1941, just a few weeks shy of the Pearl Harbor bombing.

2. In the early morning hours of September 28th, two men, Tom Penney and Bob Anderson, broke into the Miley family apartment at Lexington Country Club in an attempt to rob Marion and her mother.

3. Published in 2020, Bell's novel encapsulates the events of that September morning and the resulting aftermath of the Miley murders, masterfully weaving together the story of Marion's life through the voices of the people who loved her and the perspective of the crime's perpetrators

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For Whom the Bell Writes Author Resurrects Golf Legends Life Mysterious Death

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