Freelance Forward Economist Report

Freelance Forward Economist Report

Quick summary:

1. Amid The Great Resignation, more professionals are considering freelance work in the future: 56% of non-freelancers say they are likely to freelance in the futureThe number of freelancers who earn more than in their traditional jobs continues to grow: 44% of freelancers say they earn more freelancing than with a traditional job in 2021, this is up from 39% in 2020 and 32% in 2019‍The future of freelance is bright: 9 in 10 freelancers believe that the best days are ahead for freelancing; Two-thirds (67%) say they are optimistic about their career in 2022, compared to 58% non-freelancersWhat is a Temporary Worker?

2. Skilled remote freelancers: Freelancers whose work entails selling skilled services and work remotely

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Freelance Forward Economist Report

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