Freelancer tax returns are due imminently: final tips to file on time :: Freelance UK

Freelancer tax returns are due imminently: final tips to file on time :: Freelance UK

Recent highlights:

1. Once you've got this to hand and have logged into your personal tax account, it's important to check all of your personal details such as name, address, NI number are correct – as any incorrect details on a tax return could mean HMRC struggles to contact you.

2. Those choosing a paper return rather than filing online will need to have worked towards a much earlier submission of October 31st – meaning October 31st 2022 was the deadline for tax returns covering the tax year April 2021 to April 2022.

3. To file a personal tax return, you must be registered for self-assessment with HMRC (essentially, this is notifying them that you're liable to pay tax

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Freelancer tax returns are due imminently: final tips to file on time :: Freelance UK

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