Freelancers, Here's Help Planning Your Future In Tumultuous Times

Freelancers, Here's Help Planning Your Future In Tumultuous Times

Recent highlights:

1. If you had much to do with banks during the Great Recession of 2007, you know a stress test tests the financial resilience of your personal freelance business, or the platform you lead, against significant financial impact.

2. Each of these approaches is road-tested, and disciplined use will aid both individual freelancers and freelance entrepreneurs to identify and taking the actions needed to keep the business operating and clients well-served.

3. Read how Aceup, a freelance platform of professional coaches, helps companies and leaders drive change here.

4. The stress test identifies sensitivities, and offers a better understanding of the impact of recession on your freelance practice or platform

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Freelancers, Here's Help Planning Your Future In Tumultuous Times

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