Freelancing with years of job experience vs no experience, know what to expect

Freelancing with years of job experience vs no experience, know what to expect

Quick summary:

1. work part-time or full-time, work from any part of the world,Which project to choose,Which client to choose,Set their pay rates andDecide if clients need to be charged on project basis or milestone basis.

2. Testimonials from your subordinatesBuilding your portfolio Strong CVRange of skill setKnowing how to negotiate with the client is a bonusGet started right away to create a profile and start your freelancing journey with UpTecHunt. 

3. Freelancing is a working environment where freelancers are self-employed and can work with different projects or clients at the same time.

4. With experience or with years of experience, freelancing is for both.

5. UpTecHunt is a freelancing platform that has plenty of opportunities for highly skilled freelancers

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Freelancing with years of job experience vs no experience, know what to expect

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