Hitman 3 Year 2 Offers Roguelike Mode, Ray Tracing/XeSS on PC, Trilogy Hitting Game Pass

Hitman 3 Year 2 Offers Roguelike Mode, Ray Tracing/XeSS on PC, Trilogy Hitting Game Pass

Quick summary:

1. Our aims with this game mode are; to give players the chance to engage and play Elusive Target content more frequently, provide a new challenge for long-time players in the Elusive Target game mode, create a new type of recurring content that will reward players with desirable unlocks.

2. The Hitman Trilogy bundle launches on all platforms and Game Pass on January 20, along with PC VR support and Elusive Target Arcade.

3. The game will also be getting some technical improvements on PC, including ray tracing and XeSS support, and yes, the whole darn Hitman Trilogy will soon be available on Xbox Game Pass.

4. Hitman 3 is available now on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5, Stadia, and Switch (via the Cloud

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Hitman 3 Year 2 Offers Roguelike Mode, Ray Tracing/XeSS on PC, Trilogy Hitting Game Pass

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