How GAMURS shows the esports journalism industry's struggle to overcome low freelance rates

How GAMURS shows the esports journalism industry's struggle to overcome low freelance rates

Quick summary:

1. The crown jewel of its portfolio is Dot Esports, a prominent source of endemic esports news, which GAMURS acquired from the Daily Dot in October 2016; other GAMURS properties include websites such as Pro Game Guides and The Mary Sue.

2. Under Enthusiast Gaming ownership, Upcomer freelancers received a base pay rate of $25 per news story, and up to $300 for a reported feature; under GAMURS, they have already received new contracts featuring a tiered pay scale that begins at $10 for tier one and goes up to $50 for a tier five article.

3. But GAMURS has also developed a reputation for subpar pay and reliance on freelance workers — a trend that undergirds the entire esports journalism industry


How GAMURS shows the esports journalism industry's struggle to overcome low freelance rates

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