How I Manage My Money: Editor, 33, on £2k a month who can't afford to have a second child

How I Manage My Money: Editor, 33, on £2k a month who can't afford to have a second child

Recent highlights:

1. Mortgage, £1,500; groceries and household items, £650; debt repayment, £400; gas and electric, £250; council tax, £170; water, £40; car fuel, insurance and parking permit, £60; home insurance, life insurance and boiler cover, £60; broadband, £30; mobile phone bills, £60; streaming services, £50; contact lenses, £25; cleaner coming twice a month, £240; childcare, £300.

2. Abigail, a freelance copywriter and editor, is battling to keep up with rising costs and a higher mortgage and has stopped putting money into her private pension.

3. In our How I Manage My Money series we aim to find out how people in the UK are spending, saving and investing money to meet their costs and achieve their goals


How I Manage My Money: Editor, 33, on £2k a month who can't afford to have a second child

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