Hunt Scanlon Media Receives $13 Million in Funding for Worksome

Hunt Scanlon Media Receives $13 Million in Funding for Worksome

Quick summary:

1. The study, the Ai-Palled Talela 360 platform, received $ 65 million in financing the B series headed by World Tiger Office with the participation of existing investors Madrona Venture Group and Mayfield.

2. This approach allows companies to spend time only on candidates who have a high probability of success, which significantly affects the efficiency of hiring, especially as companies go to the practice of hiring no-touch.

3. Funding headed the concept of capital with the participation of earlier investors, the emergence of capital and fund and capital, as well as investments in Cisco and working days.

4. The MOM project, the talent market, closed 70 million. Series in the financing of the B series, bringing general financing for the Chicago-based company up to $ 36 million

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Hunt Scanlon Media Receives $13 Million in Funding for Worksome

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