I Made $244,000 Last Year As a Freelancer Using a Platform to Find Tech Gigs — Here's How

I Made $244,000 Last Year As a Freelancer Using a Platform to Find Tech Gigs — Here's How

Recent highlights:

1. Companies come to A.Team with an idea for a product they're trying to build, and A.Team matches them with the right team for the mission from a talent network of over 7,000 engineers, product managers, designers and data scientists helps to create.

2. One of the biggest missions I have worked on through A.Team was for a client called Love Stories TV. It was a two-year project involving four developers including me, a project manager, and three product designers.

3. Once accepted into the A.Team network, you are paired with other product makers to tackle complex initiatives, or 'missions'.

4. I usually take on one full-time mission that requires 35 to 40 hours per week and some smaller missions that require five to 10 hours per week

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I Made $244,000 Last Year As a Freelancer Using a Platform to Find Tech Gigs — Here's How

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