I made almost $500,000 on Upwork last year as a freelance SEO consultant — here's how

I made almost $500,000 on Upwork last year as a freelance SEO consultant — here's how

Recent highlights:

1.  By focusing on long-term relationships, I can prioritize working billable hours with existing clients, rather than the unpaid work of sourcing clients. 

2. At times, I've worked with only three to five larger clients, and at other times, I'm working with 10 to 15 smaller clients a month.

3. Clients list projects on Upwork they need help with and freelancers submit proposals to be hired.

4. I charge higher rates so I can give my clients the attention they needMy work with clients varies day-to-day.

5. I built my success on Upwork over time using these key thingsOn Upwork, your reputation and project history are like a credit score

#biyro #clientsfirst #ihavethebestclients #evaluation #happyclientshappyus #employeeretention

I made almost $500,000 on Upwork last year as a freelance SEO consultant — here's how

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