I never realized how much my religion denounced building wealth until I tripled my income and was racked with guilt

I never realized how much my religion denounced building wealth until I tripled my income and was racked with guilt

Quick summary:

1. I already associated money and wealth with unbelievers, and making more money felt like committing a grievous sin.

2. My relationship with money had been laced with many negative, good-for-nothing thoughts, making it practically impossible to set strong financial goals.

3. I couldn't set strong financial goalsMy mindset about money and status was pretty messed up.

4. Growing up in a middle-class family, raised by staunch Catholic parents, I didn't have many thoughts about money.

5. Being raised in the Catholic faith taught me that money was something shameful and unwelcome

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I never realized how much my religion denounced building wealth until I tripled my income and was racked with guilt

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