I quit my customer service job to become a freelancer. No longer feeling disrespected by customers has done wonders for my health

I quit my customer service job to become a freelancer. No longer feeling disrespected by customers has done wonders for my health

Quick summary:

1. Steffgen says being poorly treated by restaurant customers during the pandemic pushed her to pursue freelance writing full-time.

2. The transition from restaurant work to freelance writing has shored up my confidence and reminded me of a feeling I'd lost after years in customer service: pride in my work.

3. I still stay up late and wake up after nine like I did during my restaurant years, I take breaks in between assignments for hikes or yoga class, and I dedicate two or three days off a week to spend time with my husband.

4. During the pandemic, it felt like my role as assistant general manager of a restaurant in a ritzy ski town would more accurately be described as assistant head of damage control

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I quit my customer service job to become a freelancer. No longer feeling disrespected by customers has done wonders for my health

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