In Lagos, Vulnerable Communities Are Buried by Urbanization

In Lagos, Vulnerable Communities Are Buried by Urbanization

Recent highlights:

1. In this episode, join freelance journalist Maggie Andresen and podcast host Lydia Chain as they navigate the profound social, economic, and environmental consequences of dredging for sand in Lagos, Nigeria.

2. Maggie Andresen: Sangoloke says that he and other community members visited the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources for Lagos state, which handles environmental impact assessments.

3. Maggie Andresen: Mangrove loss in the Lagos area is largely caused by land reclamation projects for large-scale urban development — it's where that sand dredged from the lagoon will end up.

4. Maggie Andresen: At 5:30 in the morning, the water is still in the Lagos Lagoon, at the edge of Nigeria's most populous city

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In Lagos, Vulnerable Communities Are Buried by Urbanization

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