In The Future, Freelance Workers Will Dominate Over Full-Time Employees

In The Future, Freelance Workers Will Dominate Over Full-Time Employees

Quick summary:

1. Businesses are more willing to hire freelancers—in fact, almost half of U.S. businesses (that's 16 million small businesses!) today leverage freelancers to support their mission, growth and revenue.

2. More than ever, businesses are leveraging the talents of freelancers, but the tools needed to hire and pay freelancers include dozens of fragmented online and offline tools manually strung together.

3. Businesses can digitally collect the information they need from freelancers (contracts, NDAs, invoices, W-9s, etc.), keep track of project deliverables and time spent, pay freelancers with one click, and manage year-end tax filings.

4. Drenik: Has the Great Resignation influenced the way businesses think about hiring freelancers

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In The Future, Freelance Workers Will Dominate Over Full-Time Employees

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