Inside IR35 v. the pandemic: which is the bigger threat to freelancers in 2022? - Freelance Informer

Inside IR35 v. the pandemic: which is the bigger threat to freelancers in 2022? - Freelance Informer

Quick summary:

1. Companies in certain sectors, such as insurance, banking and IT, have felt pressured and nervous around the private sector IR35 rules and took what they considered the easy route by not creating contracts with outside IR35 parameters, requesting instead to their recruitment firms that all contractors become umbrella company employees.

2. To make matters worse, a spree of what appears to be malicious rather than financially motivated ransomware hits on umbrella companies including Brookson, Parasol and Giant, has meant late payments for contractors, according to recent reports and contractor outcry on social media channels.

3. Some contractors have since left their umbrella company due to the attacks

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Inside IR35 v. the pandemic: which is the bigger threat to freelancers in 2022? - Freelance Informer

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