It's not about you. How to reframe rejection as an opportunity—not an obstacle

It's not about you. How to reframe rejection as an opportunity—not an obstacle

Quick summary:

1. See rejection as a learning opportunityYou might not notice it right away, but rejection is a rich learning opportunity.

2. How to reframe rejection as an opportunity—not an obstacleWith careful reframing, rejection can be one of the most constructive things you can experience.

3. Why rejection hurts—and how we internalize itThere's no downplaying the agonizing shame and embarrassment that rejection can bring forward.

4. Why rejection has very little to do with youIt's hard to not take rejection personally.

5.  Taking rejection personally stops us from growingRejection can be an opportunity for reflection, a sign of growth, or a marker of success

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It's not about you. How to reframe rejection as an opportunity—not an obstacle

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