I've been a freelancer for 10 years. Here are 4 strategies that have helped me get paid what I deserve

I've been a freelancer for 10 years. Here are 4 strategies that have helped me get paid what I deserve

Recent highlights:

1. I've joined networks like Pitch Whiz, a website for journalists and editorial professionals looking to either sell or buy stories, Who Pays Writers, an anonymous, crowd-sourced database of pay rates across print and digital media, and Freelancers Union, a nonprofit organization that educates and advocates for freelancers of all stripes.

2. Similarly, when I see a friend has written for a publication that I'm interested in, I'll reach out and ask who their editor is and what their typical rate is, so that I know if it's even worth my time to pitch them.

3.  In my time in the freelance writing industry, I've learned a lot about how to make sure that I'm being paid what I deserve

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I've been a freelancer for 10 years. Here are 4 strategies that have helped me get paid what I deserve

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