Job will be reshaped by freelance labour networks - Tech Monitor

Job will be reshaped by freelance labour networks - Tech Monitor

Recent highlights:

1. Online Labor Market Grew by more than 60% since the beginning of 2017, in the middle of the pandemic, according to the Observatory Online Observatory Observatory on the Internet (OLI), which measures the use of online work through mailing on freelance and microcladic platforms.

2. The average income of the three largest taxi and delivery platforms is more than ten times higher than the income of online platforms, such as Appen and Upwork, according to the ILO report on digital working platforms.

3. Gig's economy platforms, such as applications for food delivery and taxis, attract more attention and capital than online platforms, in particular, because they have a winner-all business model, says Rani

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Job will be reshaped by freelance labour networks - Tech Monitor

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