Journalists turn to freelance. 7 things they would like to know first. - Poynter -

Journalists turn to freelance. 7 things they would like to know first. - Poynter -

Recent highlights:

1. One piece of advice I always give to people who ask me about self-employment: Write a list of your potential clients before you quit your full-time job.

2. Before quitting my full-time job, I created a spreadsheet on Google Drive that tracks my assignments, their due dates, payroll, invoice date, and payroll date.

3. That's not to say early-career journalists can't work as freelancers – some of the most successful freelancers are those who have never worked full-time for a media organization.

4. Tampa-based freelance photojournalist Octavio Jones has just one word in mind for potential freelancers: Prepare yourself.

5. Dallas-based journalist Claire Ballor is grateful that she had years of daily press experience before becoming a freelance writer

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Journalists turn to freelance. 7 things they would like to know first. - Poynter -

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