Leaving a steady job to freelance or start your own business requires proper planning

Leaving a steady job to freelance or start your own business requires proper planning

Quick summary:

1. The exact amount will depend on your risk tolerance and how quickly you think you can turn a profit, said Lao, adding that when he started his own financial firm, he had 12 months of living expenses and three months of business expenses saved.

2. Before striking out on your own, it's a good idea to first set a business plan for yourself and your new endeavor, according to Kevin Lao, a certified financial planner and founder of Imagine Financial Security in St. Augustine, Florida.

3. You want to start creating separation between you and your businesses, said Wilson, adding that the easiest way to do this is generally to have a different bank account and credit or debit card for your business expenses

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Leaving a steady job to freelance or start your own business requires proper planning

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