Monotributo tech”: the government plan to tempt freelancers to liquidate their dollars in the official market

Monotributo tech”: the government plan to tempt freelancers to liquidate their dollars in the official market

Recent highlights:

1. The Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, and the Secretary of Knowledge Economy, Ariel Sujarchuk, aim to encourage the export of services and generate more dollars for the country.

2. The measure under study in Economics for encourage exporters of individual services is added to the decision made less than three months ago by the Central Bank (BCRA), which created a foreign exchange availability regime with an annual cap for freelancers.

3. This measure is under study and it is a project that seeks to empower programmers but without harming companies that operate in the country, the Secretary of Knowledge Economy, Ariel Sujarchuk

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Monotributo tech”: the government plan to tempt freelancers to liquidate their dollars in the official market

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