Omicron's threat to global supply chain

Omicron's threat to global supply chain

Recent highlights:

1. Thailand had better watch out for inflation, particularly under the high risk of global supply chain disruption from Omicron.

2. The Swine Raisers Association of Thailand estimates that the recent swine epidemic has cut the pork supply by half and caused a sharp rise in pork meat prices -- a 30% price jump from last year.

3. Furthermore, when oil prices start to rise on production cutdowns due to labour shortages, countries will start stockpiling oil reserves making the price situation even worse.

4. To demonstrate the impact of supply chain disruption on prices, one does not need to look further than the recent steep rise in pork meat prices.

5. Supply chain disruption has one important effect on economies -- a quick rise in prices

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Omicron's threat to global supply chain

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