Our Group of Freelancers Took on Albany's Byzantine Legislative Process. Here's How We Won. - New York Focus

Our Group of Freelancers Took on Albany's Byzantine Legislative Process. Here's How We Won. - New York Focus

Quick summary:

1. When the legislative working group of the Freelance Solidarity Project and National Writers Union met last September, getting the Freelance Isn't Free Act passed through the New York state legislature seemed like it should be a slam dunk.

2. The Freelance Solidarity Project, a union of media workers fighting to raise standards for freelancers across the industry and a division of the National Writers Union, had its first meetings in the summer of 2018.

3. It turns out it's important to give yourself a lot of lead time to ask for meetings and then wait to nudge people again and again before finally getting the chance to talk to them, whether it's central staff, legislators themselves, or potential advocates

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Our Group of Freelancers Took on Albany's Byzantine Legislative Process. Here's How We Won. - New York Focus

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