Review GameDec: Decision of actual crimes in virtual worlds

Review GameDec: Decision of actual crimes in virtual worlds

Quick summary:

1. My first pair of attempts to GameDec met with an early disaster, because my starting point did not allow me to buy any professions at all, so the first 30 minutes of the game was nothing more than a wide range of the parameters of the serpent.

2. You start the game as an experienced Gamedec, which wakes up before a sentence of work from a very rich man who wants you to know why his son either cannot or will not come out of any game he plays.

3. I think that every game in the 2000s in the 2000s made a joke at some point, but Gamedec plays on his room dead straight: you are a freelance investigator that takes cases in virtual worlds to track runways and solve the crimes of the game


Review GameDec: Decision of actual crimes in virtual worlds

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