She's Been Crafting Copy Since the Birth of Business Websites

She's Been Crafting Copy Since the Birth of Business Websites

Recent highlights:

1. It's been 27 years since that moment of inspiration, and her copywriting business is still thriving thanks to a diverse array of clients – from dog food manufacturers and metal fabrication companies to tech start-ups.

2. Today the Ocoee, Florida entrepreneur is content to continue providing her clients with highly personalized marketing plans, top-notch SEO strategies and quality copy. 

3. (Credit: Courtesy of Susan Greene)In 1996, as businesses were starting to build their online presences, Greene realized her skills as a print copywriter could be transferred to this emerging digital space.

4. I started my freelance copywriting business in the early days of the internet, in 1996.

5. There were times when money was a concern, and business was slow

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She's Been Crafting Copy Since the Birth of Business Websites

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