"Test trap": when not to say there is no unpaid frilance

"Test trap": when not to say there is no unpaid frilance

Quick summary:

1. One national company specializing in wedding videos went as far as to send Hess a hard drive with footage from a client's wedding, requesting that his team edit the project as a test run.

2. New freelancers, he suggested, should start with small, quick jobs on gig-finding sites instead of taking on unpaid freelance work.

3. Even seasoned freelancers occasionally consider submitting unpaid writing samples in the hopes of getting a coveted retainer or breaking into a niche beat.

4. For instance, Sean Cope, a Dayton, Ohio-based digital marketing expert and founder of Elevator SEO, has found a way to convert unpaid work requests into more than $10,000 in sales

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Test trap: when not to say there is no unpaid frilance

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