The Facts About Older Freelancers May Surprise You

The Facts About Older Freelancers May Surprise You

Recent highlights:

1.  While 52% of freelancers above 50 see their workload as sufficient or better vs 63% of freelancers overall, 61% of 50+ freelancers say they are satisfied with their financial results compared to 63% of freelancers overall.

2. We know that almost 60 million Americans are freelancing part- or full-time, that hundreds of millions are freelancing world-wide, that a third of freelancers have joined the freelance revolution since the onset of Covid-19, and that most freelancers in our survey and others say they earn as much or more income as they did working as a traditional employee.

3. A whopping 90% of 50+ freelancers say they get as much or more satisfaction and enjoyment from the work as other freelancers, similar to 89% of freelancers overall

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The Facts About Older Freelancers May Surprise You

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