The filtered hiring platform provides 7 million dollars in financing

The filtered hiring platform provides 7 million dollars in financing

Quick summary:

1. Filtered, hiring platforms for engineering and technological talents, provided 7 million dollars in strategic financing of seeds from the AI ​​and Civence Capital Capital Foundation.

2. This approach allows companies to spend time only on candidates who have a high probability of success, which significantly affects the efficiency of hiring, especially as companies go to the practice of hiring no-touch.

3. Study, Talent Ai-Talent 360, received $ 65 million in financing the B series, headed by World Tiger, with the participation of existing investors Madrona Venture Group and Mayfield.

4. The MOM project, the talent market, closed 70 million. Series in 201 US dollars.

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The filtered hiring platform provides 7 million dollars in financing

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