The Long Road to Freelance Editor: Part Two - DIY MFA - Olivia Fisher

The Long Road to Freelance Editor: Part Two - DIY MFA - Olivia Fisher

Recent highlights:

1. Maybe you want to do some freelance work, or maybe you are a writer considering hiring a freelance editor to help you with revising your manuscript for self-publishing or traditional publishing.

2. What my freelance editing job does provide is consistent income to cover a variety of bills and expenses as well as slow-growing savings.

3. My blog became a way for clients to see both my personality through my writing as well as my editing skills.

4. Having a blog of your own to link to your profile can be a huge advantage for you, giving you a way to give clients physical proof of your skills.

5. I can't live off my freelance editing income

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The Long Road to Freelance Editor: Part Two - DIY MFA - Olivia Fisher

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