The third horse? Craig Lord on his case to be Auckland's next mayor

The third horse? Craig Lord on his case to be Auckland's next mayor

Recent highlights:

1. In regards to public transport, I know what I say it's controversial, but I do not believe Auckland can actually solve its public mass transport problem, and that's due to the topography of Auckland and the way we've built the city over the last 180 years.

2. I rode my motorbike up to Auckland after seeing an ad in the Herald for a job, got the job that day, rang the old man and said I'm leaving home and moving to Auckland.

3. It's not quite motorsport, but horse racing is the default metaphor for elections, and the Auckland contest is being called a two-horse race.

4. The difference between what the thousand people polled say and the thousands of people that I reach out on the street and social media – they're the complete opposite

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The third horse? Craig Lord on his case to be Auckland's next mayor

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