Trans Journalists and Supporters Voice Concern Over New York Times' Coverage

Trans Journalists and Supporters Voice Concern Over New York Times' Coverage

Quick summary:

1. A few people I'd met through that organization reached out to me about two weeks and a couple of days ago expressing the same frustrations I've had, many other people in media have had, trans or cis or non-binary, gender non-conforming, about the ways in which The New York Times along with many other legacy media publications cover trans issues as if trans people and what we're facing are all abstract concepts up for debate with two sides, one side being, Maybe you're wrong by yourself, you don't deserve the health care that you say you need.

2. Harron Walker is a co-author of the open letter from trans, contributors, journalists, and sources concerned about The New York Times coverage of trans communities

#biyro #transwoman #transition #equality #mtf #model

Trans Journalists and Supporters Voice Concern Over New York Times' Coverage

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