Unexpected act of kindness connects man to brother lost in the last days of World War II

Unexpected act of kindness connects man to brother lost in the last days of World War II

Recent highlights:

1. Rather, it was what the rock represented: the memory of Jerry's older brother William Buddy Isley, who was among the last of some 407,000 Americans killed in World War II.Buddy and all of his crewmates on a B-29 Superfortress bomber died following a crash into the side of that mountain on June 1, 1945, just 2½ months before the emperor announced Japan's surrender.

2. William Isley, who died when a B-29 airplane crashed during a mission to Osaka, Japan, on June 1, 1945. 

3. Isley died when a B-29 airplane crashed during a mission to Osaka, Japan, on June 1, 1945.

4. Isley died when a B-29 airplane crashed during a mission to Osaka, Japan on June 1, 1945.

5. William Isley, was flying in during a mission to Osaka, Japan on June 1, 1945

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Unexpected act of kindness connects man to brother lost in the last days of World War II

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