Will Voice Actors Quit Over Japan's New Tax Law? - Unseen Japan

Will Voice Actors Quit Over Japan's New Tax Law? - Unseen Japan

Quick summary:

1. An organization led by SPYxFAMILY voice talent Kaida Yuko says the law could also lead to a mass exodus of voice actors from Japan's anime scene.

2. That includes YouTubers, online writers, illustrators, directors, actors, and voice actors (among many, many others).

3. The identity issue isn't as pressing, as most voice actors in Japan use their real names.

4. In an interview with ITMedia[6], Kaida Yuko says she's seen many voice actors drop out of the industry in the past several years as economic conditions have worsened.

5. They asked: What would voice actors do if the invoice system was ultimately implemented into law

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Will Voice Actors Quit Over Japan's New Tax Law? - Unseen Japan

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